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Ghazi Osman Episode No.60 by Enif TV

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This is Episode number 60 of Kurulus Osman Season 1 in Urdu dubbing. Watch Kurulus Osman in Urdu Dubbing on Enif TV. Enif TV is the pioneer of Urdu Dubbing in Pakistan. First Urdu Dubbing of Kurulus osman series start by Enif Tv. Now we are Dubbing Famous Uzubkistan series known as Mendirman Jalaluddin. Now read the summary of this episode. Release me! Release me! Aah! Did you run out of inhale while battling. what’s more, progressing towards opportunity, Osman? I promise to you. I’ll be the passing of you, Dundar Bey. What? Is it true that you are attempting to take which is mine, Osman Bey? No! Did you believe that you could take. Genghis Khan’s honored possessions from me? Please! Wear t wreck around! Come on1 If something happens to this hatun. I probably won’t have the option to shield you from Balgay. It’s done, Cerkutay. Convey her cautiously to Balgay. Accompany me. We have activities Osman Bey! Dundar Bey! You’ve held hands with Mongols for my dad’s post. You included your child Batur in your selling out too. Stop, Osman! Stop! You did what you did. In light of your stubborness.

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Your presumption. Your youthfulness. You’ll pay for the things you did, not Kayis. You’ll consume buzzing with the fire that you began. I’ll make my dad’s tent your grave. Wolves are with wolves. Coyotes are with coyotes. The rule of coyotes. Goes on until the wolves rise. I’ll be the passing of you, uncle! This camp is tied not to the custom of Oghuz. In any case, the law of Genghis Khan. You’re not going to live long enough to. Deliver retribution for the disloyalty, Osman Bey. Balgay Bey. Let’s assume it later, Kongar. Kick the bucket, Osman. Either martydom or opportunity. Kick the bucket! Stop! Kick the bucket, Osman! I came here to take which has a place with Geyhatu. Double crossers! T raitors1 Get out of here! Savages! I figured out how to take the laws of Genghis Khan from Osman. The laws are my gift to Geyhatu. Additionally the favored knife. Geyhatu will remunerate you for your triumph. Relax, Balgay. Is this Osman? Indeed, he is. Overjoyed up. Gracious Allah, kindly don’t allow my foes to embarrass me.. Predetermine me to become saint by battling. Osman Bey. Is detainee of Geyhatu. No! We’ll. We’ll.

Watch Kurulus Osman Urdu Hindi Dubbed Episode No.60

Take him to Konya free from any danger Soldiers! Take Osman Bey to the carriage. What’s more, control his injury. Try not to allow anybody to approach him. Balgay. Follow me to the tent. I’ve news for you from Geyhatu. You will come also. My Osman! Stop! Stop! You have become the realm Bey Commander Balgay has liked it to be as such. Nothing can breeze through the smell assessment without the endorsement of Geyhatu. Assuming Balgay liked it as such, he should have his explanation. I have my eye on you. Furthermore, my ears on your camp, Diindar. Presently, you might leave. I need to take the laws of Genghis Khan to Konya without help from anyone else. Relax, Geyhatu will realize that you discovered the laws and you’re the person who brought them.

What is the significance of taking Osman to Konya? Geyhatu needs to examine Osman to figure out how has he caught the laws. He isn’t your detainee any longer. Or then again do you have something that you’re apprehensive about, Balgay? Delivery Osman Bey! My Osman! My Osman! Ya Allah! Keep the peace! We don’t need any difficulty. We should remove him. This is a request for leader Tom. I’m conversing with you, Balgay. Do you have something that you’re anxious about, Balgay? I don’t have anything to fear, leader Tom. I simply need Geyhatu to realize that I’m prepared incredible him. Imagine a scenario where Osman advises everything to Geyhatu. Toni and his warriors. Take Osman and the laws and carry them to me. Order is yours authority Balgay. Show yourself! Goodness my Allah.. Invigorate me! May Allah give you power my Bey My siblings . Try not to stress my brothers1 Hang in there my Be Hang in my Bey. Stand talfKayi clan! We’ll stand tall! We’ll stand tall, Kayi clan. Nobody can make us submit! We’ll never. Abandon our heavenly reason. Regardless of whether they make the entire universe a jail.

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Bamsi Bey. What? Abdurrahman Ghazi. Osman considers you to be a sibling. He put his life in peril for you. Every one of the things I’ve accomplished for you! Keep the peace, hatun! You feel that you can menace my child! You’re talking without tuning in. I did what should have been finished. Me! Your bey! Your territory bey that you don’t care for. That you ascend against. did every last bit of it. Do you hear what you’re saying Dundar Bey? I do Why did Toni come here, Bamsi Bey? Who put out this snare? Who made that load of coyotes disappear? Me. I educated the Mongol governer in Konya. What’s more, made them battle one another. Presently, Balgay will be crippled. What’s more, the force battles between them will begin. There was nothing left to do.

Either opportunity or martydom. Allahu Akbar! (God is the Greatest) Dundar Bey. Hang tight for news from me. We have a great deal of adversaries. Remember that I made you the territory bey, Diindar. My dedication to you is interminable, Balgay. Show yourself Where right? Show yourself Where right? Batur! Batur! I’ve confused you with a man. However, rather you were a snake. Disgrace on you, Batur! You profoundly disheartened the camp of Kayi with your disloyalty.

Watch Kurulus Osman in Hindi Dubbing

To secure my camp. Imagine a scenario in which something happens to Osman. Imagine a scenario in which they kill Osman in Konya. What will you do then Diindar Bey? They guaranteed me. We went to an understanding. They’ll not hurt Osman. They’ll simply question him. They’ll simply question him! We comprehended. We comprehended. You’re not a backstabber. Be that as it may, you’re guileless, Dundar. Innocent! How might you trust Mongols? How might you trust Mongols? Not exclusively to Batur. Disgrace on you as well! Disgrace on you as well! On the off chance that something awful happens to Osman.

Then, at that point I’ll turn into a bird of prey and destroy you with my paws. So you know Diindar Bey. Pay attention to me great, Selcan Hatun. You’re not conversing with a similar Dundar. With the main misstep you make. I’ll rip off your paws and brake your wings. So you know. Please! Overjoyed up! We should move! Kayi clan really focuses on you truly well. Not just as dictators to a conflict. You’re talking like you’re so certain to return. Who said that Geyhatu will deliver you? You went to these grounds. Without getting any data about us, Tom.

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