Sultan Abdul Hameed Season 1 Episode 49
Try not to be apprehensive. We value you. How could you spill among them? Not as of late. I’m a Khazar Turk. I trust in Mouses. Our sovereign sent me for a unique mission among the Jews.. ..quite a while back. I illuminated my ruler when it was time. Without you. Disregard our lives. ..those individuals would have been butchered. What’s more, our nation would be in an off-kilter position.
Watch Sultan A.H Season 1 Urdu Hindi Dubbed Episode No.49
He should say a number ..and his name would be seen on this. In any case. In any case, what my sovereign? Our mystery got uncovered overall. Efraim was killed around evening time when he would send the code. We couldn’t say whether our government agent on the Vatican got uncovered .. if he got advanced or not .. if he lives or not. Since we don’t have any idea what his identity is. Efrahim’s code might be concealed in Ahsen. Assuming that she recollects her past ..she might let us know who our government agent is. We wonder about this. What’s the association between Ahsen and Efraim. The government agent called Sara will enlighten us regarding this. My sovereign. Will we ask Ahsen? No broad. Regardless of whether she may unexpectedly have this code in her ..she came here to kill me. Before she recollects her past ..we will figure out her past. What’s up Sabahattin? Abdulhamid got Sara. We ought to save her rapidly Mr. Herzl. Muslims are butchering my Jewish siblings in Jerusalem now. At the point when it’s heard Jews will comprehend that they need a country. I am just consideration about this Sabahattin. Your meaning could be a little clearer. While I’m worrying about a weighty concern. I can’t manage a lady of kgs. Individuals.. ..sell their companions exceptionally quick. Try not to frustrate me, please. Companionship is the relief of little lives.
You’ll gain ground. Great. Much appreciated, sir. Take this. No need general. Being outraged. Blockhead! Is it true or not that we are giving presents? For business. Take this. I’ll get in. Following three minutes you will. Get it? Indeed sir. Three minutes. OK. In there. You will see me conversing with a man. Presumably, his back will be towards the entryway. Indeed sir. Then? Then my kid. Take this. Shoot the knave. Go for the kill. In any case, he’s a savage barbarian. God will remunerate you kid. Indeed, general. No kindness. Three minutes. Indeed sir. Did you miss me general Mahmud? Hiram. Assuming you pass on in some way. Plunk down. I did my chance by forfeiting my eye. You additionally seem to be this. I like it. You shouldn’t care about it. Hiram. I gave you an imprint. Keep in mind? Might I at any point take it back? Why general? It’s a commemoration of yours. Right. Right. Yet. The environment is tense. I don’t maintain that even my cloth should be near. They got Sara as well. What? What are you talking about? It spells almost certain doom for our battle. Plunk down. Plunk down. Quiet down. You wouldn’t fret about that. I have two individuals of fundamental significance. Herzl and you. You know nothing broad. Sara is more significant than Herzl and me.. ..also, even you. No one but she can connect with Mr Parvus. Parvus? Indeed. Sare makes the association among Parvus and Herzl.
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If she completed it ..we want to get Sara out of there. Sabahattin. Sara will not escape the castle. What do you be aware of? It’s self-evident. On the off chance that I hadn’t taken consent from King Abdulhamid